Outside my window... mid 60s, foggy, and our lawn is very long and thick! It's been nearly three weeks since it's been mowed, and we had a lot of rain while we were gone!
I am thinking... of the 3,820 things I have to get done in the next 2 1/2 weeks before school starts. I have a very long, detailed list...
I am thankful for... the wonderful time we had with family and friends in New England. The safe travel for our family. That we found our house intact when we finally got home.
I am wearing... old Mickey Mouse tee shirt, gym shorts, pink flip flops.
I am going... so many places this week! Band camp, doctor appointment, errands, date nights with girls, school shopping (both supplies and clothes).
I am creating... schedules, routines and a little organization to prepare for the school year.
I am currently reading... The Help by Kathryn Stockett on the new Nook Al gave me for my birthday (and it's got a cute, spring-green cover)!
I am hoping... that Hannah enjoys band camp this week. She's pretty apprehensive, and I'm just holding my breath and praying her through it.
I am hearing... early-morning quiet throughout the house. But I'm looking forward to starting up the new CD my Mom gave me for my birthday (Country Mountain Hymns) just as soon as everyone gets up!
In the kitchen... nothing! The pantry and refrigerator are bare as we've been gone so long! Headed to the grocery store this evening!
Around the house... post-vacation mess! Suitcases half unpacked, piles of laundry, junk cleaned out of the car, kids' backpacks that need to be unpacked.
One of my favorite things... the anticipation of and preparation for the new school year.
A few plans for the rest of the week... band camp (with concert and dinner on Friday), sleepover for Abbie, Winnie the Pooh movie with Rachel, American Girl lunch with Abbie, clothes shopping with Hannah, shoe shopping with all four kiddos (!). Also hoping to whip up some homemade granola bars for snacks and some freezer jam.
A picture I'd like to share...

1 comment:
So, what did you get for your treat?!? Funny how a treat from Mom is still exciting even though we're grown-ups:)
Welcome home!!
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