My cousin David and his wife Kathleen live in Vermont with their four awesome children. We made it a point to get up to visit them for a few days while we were in New England for some great family fun!

Christopher, 7; Mi'Shell (Misha), 5; Nicholas (Nico), 1; Naomi (Omi), 2


We celebrated Misha's 5th birthday while we were there.
Omi sure did enjoy that birthday cake!
Christopher taught Hannah all about video games (what are cousins for?).
Auntie Kaye played Disney Princess Uno with the children (gotta get that game!).
That weekend was Barre Days, and we attended the parade on Saturday afternoon.
When you've got five little girls in the house, you've gotta play dress-up - complete with dancing to the High School Musical soundtrack!
My aunt is a professional artist, and she gave a little impromptu lesson to Hannah, who has been showing a real talent for, and interest in, art.
This was the first time we got to meet Baby Nico. If you know my cousin David, you'll agree that Nico looks just like his daddy!
Hannah and Christopher are wonderful friends! Christopher thinks Hannah is so cool because she likes "boy stuff" (dinosaurs, action heroes, Star Wars) just as much as "girl stuff" (dress-up, Barbies). I think she's the only one he'll let play with some of his Star Wars stuff because she "gets it"!
They had a great time doing "horsey rides"!
Abbie got so worn out on our first full day there that she fell asleep standing up, leaning against the couch!
oh my gosh, what beautiful photos! !!!
What a beautiful family....and fun times!! Gotta love dancing to HSM soundtrack!!
Love all the cousins having such a good time together!
What great pics! I love getting family together!
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